31 October 2011

My Apartment in UB

Later today I am (hopefully) moving in to an apartment in UB where I will be living for the next 10 months with two other AYADs from my intake - Anna and Jess.

After two full days of house hunting last week, within which we saw 11 apartments in central UB, the three of us chose the first one that really appealed to us - a cute and charming old Soviet apartment that is located close to Sukhbaatar Square, the Trade Development Bank and my work on Freedom Square. This will be exceptionally convenient as the winter approaches - it is going to be freezing! Apparently it snowed last night and early this morning however I didn't see any... I'm sure I'll be seeing plenty of it soon enough so I can definitely wait until then!
Our cosy kitchen (a new stove and oven combo is being installed- this one failed to work, so lucky we checked it!)
Two of the three bedrooms (whose has yet to be determined..)
Our adorable Granny-style living room (complete with doilies!)

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