23 October 2011

Arrival in Ulaanbaatar

As part of the Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD) Program, Intake 32, I have arrived in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia to volunteer for 10 months as a Business Projects Officer for the Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Agency.

The trip to Ulaanbaatar from Melbourne consisted of stopovers in both Singapore and Seoul. Luckily though, it went pretty quickly with no delays! On the last leg I sat in a window seat so gained some amazing views as we began to pass over Mongolia.

Our In Country Management Team met the seven of us AYAD intake 32 volunteers at the airport. We were welcomed with a clear blue sky (in the 0 degree weather)!

That night we went for dinner to a traditional Mongolian restaurant. This is one of the country's signature dishes - beef and capsicum noodles (Mongolian name to be confirmed..). It was really good to chat over dinner to some current AYADs who have been living in UB since the end of July. Those of us from Intake 32 were exhausted however and were keen to get a good night's sleep as the following day we would be beginning a full week of orientation activities.

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