04 May 2012

Luke in Mongolia

Luke's visit to Mongolia finally came! And then went by so quickly... But the two weeks were the most amazing. While we didn't do all that much, and didn't venture far from UB, it was so nice to spend time together before Luke headed off on his big European Summer Tour.

Luke experienced the true Mongolia by:
* Being in its Spring weather - snowing and windy one day then several sunny and pleasant 24ish degree days the following week.

* Riding a Mongolian horse in the countryside.

* Staying in a Mongolian ger.

*Visiting a local nomadic family and tasting REAL Mongolian barbeque in the form of horhog.

* Learning to jay walk and dodge cars in UB Mongolian style.

* Enjoying UB city's local eateries.
French Bakery
Hot Pot
Dinner Party at Grandma's (our house..)

* The tourist route in UB

Chenngis Khan statue

Chenngis Khan's massive boot

Chenngis Khan statue

Zaisan monument
Lenin Statue
Parliament House  
Gandan Monastery

Bowling at the Children's Park

Children's Park

A photography Exhibition

A morin khuur (horse-headed fiddle) concert

Open Mic Night at Xanadu Art Gallery

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